chiknegg 20th November 2012

Tears are streaming down my face as I fondly remember my friend and colleague, Andy. He was just such a kind and humble spirit, so inspiring with a quiet yet bold and thought provoking vein of never-ending hope. Andy never said no...he just always had a different way of looking at obstacles and found a way around each at time, until they just weren't an issue anymore. I have never known such a true Southern Gentleman (capital letters intended). No unkind words ever came out of his mouth, ever. He always had a twinkle in his eye, though, and could make you laugh when things seemed rough. I spoke to Andy on the phone the day he died and we talked about family flocks. He really wanted me to push VSU to do research on chickens and small family flocks. My last words to him were "May the Flock be With You" and I can still hear him chuckling as we hung up the phone. He had such a heartfelt laugh that could fill up a whole room and make the sun shine at midnight. Always in my heart...I will never forget what you have done for family farms. I promise not to let you down, Andy! ~ Lisa Dearden