Remembering Andy Hankins
Created by carl_cantaluppi 12 years ago
I remember Andy the most by what he was willing to do unselfishly for me. When I came to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service in 1994, I started to conduct Specialty Crops Schools each year. Andy never hesitated coming down and presenting programs for me about cut flower production and other specialty crops that he was working with, even though he was crossing state lines. He was an expert in his field and he was always willing to share what he know to all who participated. I am happy that I was able to congratulate him at his retirement party. He will be missed by his family and by all who knew him. It's sad that he was taken so early, but the lives that he enriched will live on to praise him for the wonderful human being he was.
With heartfelt sympathy,
Carl Cantaluppi, NC Cooperative Extension, Oxford, NC